The Lower Trent Conservation says it is in the homestretch of completing a two-year project referred to as “Restoring the Trenton Greenbelt.”
Part of the final stages includes creating a trail through a small parcel of land that is being converted to natural meadow.
According to Lower Trent Conservation, the Trenton Greenbelt Conservation Area suffered from compacted soils, invasive species, and minimal biodiversity, which contributed to poor quality shoreline habitat.
Work has been done on restoring the shoreline of the Trenton Greenbelt with a focus on the “ecological health of the area while incorporating elements to create a special urban greenspace, making it more attractive to both people and wildlife.”
Lower Trent Conservation says the work is being done thanks to volunteers, community partners, and financial support from the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (a Government of Canada’s Department of Environment and Climate Change program in partnership with Conservation Ontario) and the Great Lakes Local Action Fund.