Prince Edward County is looking for public feedback as it considers the future of Wellington Rotary Beach.
Councillor Mike Harper says a task team was put together earlier this year to develop a revitalization plan for the beach that has seen its use skyrocket over the past few years.
“Five years ago tourism and residential use of the beach, you know, has steadily started to grow and it’s exponentially grown in the last couple years particularly during ’20 and ’21 with COVID, we saw an incredible amount of interest in the beach.”
Harper says the three concepts are the “Big Move”, a significant investment and redevelopment; a “Tweak” which would see a modest financial investment and infrastructure improvements; or a “Naturalize” concept creating a more natural landscape, with no motor boats allowed.
Staff will likely present a possible plan this fall with any final decision to be made by the next council.
“It may borrow little bits from each of these concepts. So it’s not that there’ll be a pure concept but they each present different ways of thinking and different directions and the staff will size that up in relationship to, you know, what we can do from a budgetary standpoint and other considerations that they have.”
Harper hopes there will be a lot of opinions provided through public feedback so they can develop the best plan possible.
The public can view the concepts and provide feedback online via Have Your Say before August 1.