Lots of talk about the future of Belleville’s old train station, both in Belleville and Montreal, but no concrete plans yet.
The city’s Director of Recreation, Mark Fluhrer, spoke with Via Rail in the past couple of weeks, receiving an indication that the company was working with a potential tenant.
Fluhrer says Via told him the city would be “pleased with what was planned for the site.”
This week, Via Spokesperson Mylene Belanger in Montreal, not quite so definite, tells Quinte News Via is “open to any suggestions that will use the station to the best interest of the community.”
Belanger says the wish is that the “important heritage station” once more becomes a destination for Belleville residents.
Meanwhile, Councillor Mitch Panciuk says it should not be allowed to deteriorate since it shares the history of the city and served at least two Prime Ministers of Canada, Sir John A. Macdonald who worked at one time in Picton, and Belleville native Sir Mackenzie Bowell.
Panciuk says it should not be allowed to deteriorate and be torn down as did the historic train station in Kingston.
He calls for it to be used to hold some material from Glanmore National Historic Site, which could then concentrate on being a heritage house.
Panciuk, who is member of the advisory board, says Glanmore House should be able to show home life at the time it represents, and become a “living historical document” but right now has too much extraneous material stored there.