The heat wave has prompted Tyendinaga Township to implement a fire restriction.
With a heightened risk of fires, all open-air burning is prohibited until further notice (with the exception of campfires, see below).
Key Points of the Fire Restriction:
• Restricted hours: All open-air burning is restricted, except campfires from 7
p.m. to 7 a.m. only.
• Enforcement: This restriction is effective immediately and will remain in place
until further notice. Failure to comply may result in fines and other penalties.
• Purpose: The restriction aims to reduce the risk of fires and protect our
firefighters during the hottest and driest parts of the day.
The Tyendinaga Township Fire Department will continue to monitor weather conditions
and fire risk levels closely. Community members are encouraged to stay informed about
fire safety and to take additional precautions, such as keeping a water source nearby
when having a campfire and ensuring that all fires are fully extinguished before leaving
them unattended.
Prince Edward County also has a partial fire ban in place.