Locally owned and operated by the Henry family, Maple Dale Cheese is a proud producer of small batch, handcrafted artisan cheese. They are wrapping up their 135th anniversary year by supporting the community that supports them through a generous partnership with United Way Hastings & Prince Edward.
Maple Dale Cheese Co. is offering handcrafted, locally produced crates, branded with their logo and their charity of choice logo, for sale. Each limited edition box, priced at $250, will be filled with unique culinary items sourced from the local community and other provincial producers. For every box sold, Henry is donating $1,000 to United Way Hastings & Prince Edward.
“The boxes are limited edition,” states Maple Dale Cheese owner/operator Paul Henry. “We are hoping to leverage the 100 that are available into a $100,000 gift to our community – just in time for Christmas.”
Each crate contains a huge assortment of cheeses, snacks, and dips – a gift that keeps on giving. The custom-made holiday boxes are available to purchase starting November 15 and will continue while quantities last. Boxes can be pre-ordered by visiting or calling Maple Dale Cheese Co. 2864 Hwy #37, Plainfield, 613-477-2454 or calling United Way HPE 613-962-9531.