Several public facilities are closing early Friday due to the massive winter storm blanketing the region.
The Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre, and Prince Edward County arenas in Wellington and Picton are among the facilities that have closed early.
Belleville, Quinte West, Prince Edward County, Northumberland County and the Township of Marmora and Lake have each declared a significant weather event.
During a significant weather event municipalities advise residents to use extra caution as the municipality may not be able to meet its maintenance standards for roads and sidewalks due to heavy snowfall.
The declaration will not change how or when the municipality performs its winter maintenance operations. However, it may take the municipality longer than usual to bring the roads back to a state of repair.
Residents are advised to avoid travel if possible. If you have to travel, drive according to weather conditions, give snowplows lots of space as they clear the roads and be aware of fallen trees and debris on the roadways.