Belleville is a wonderful city, and it has been my privilege to serve as your Mayor for the past 3 ½ years. I am so proud of how our community has come together to deal with the challenges we have faced and I am excited about the amazing future we have ahead of us. Working together with Council, we have accomplished nothing short of historic progress in many areas. We ensured City services could be counted on during the pandemic and we also strengthened that infrastructure to keep up with the amazing growth we’ve experienced, and will continue to experience into the future.
While no city is perfect, I believe this past term has perfectly positioned us to capitalize on the opportunities that lie ahead. We know there will be challenging times for all cities in the coming years, and Belleville is uniquely prepared to meet them. We want to keep attracting new businesses, new jobs, and new residents to live, work, and play in our remarkable community, while staying on the path of safe, responsible growth. Let’s build on our achievements, together, so that Belleville continues to thrive in the future.
Ever since I took my oath as Mayor, I have dedicated my efforts each day to improving the lives of, and future possibilities for, every single resident in our friendly city. And while significant progress has been made, and Belleville has become stronger in almost every measurable category over the past 3-1/2 years, more remains to be done.
I am excited about our future and the challenges before us. We are emerging from the pandemic stronger and better than we were before, and I am prepared to lead the next Council forward with the same strength and stability so we can confidently deal with the challenges on the road ahead.
I am humble and grateful to have been able to serve as your Mayor this term. And while our accomplishments have been remarkable so far, there are many more things we have started that I would like to see through to the end. I am excited about the possibility to finish the work we started shortly after my election as Mayor in 2018.
So, I am very pleased to announce that, this morning, I officially filed my papers to be a candidate for Mayor of the City of Belleville and will be seeking re-election this coming October 24th.
I am asking for the help and support of our community so that, together, we can protect the gains we’ve made so far, and if re-elected I will ensure the City of Belleville keeps the momentum going. Now is the time to build on the achievements of the past four years and that’s why I am seeking re-election.
If re-elected this fall, I will continue to work just as hard and be just as effective as we build an improved, modernized city that will provide the best quality of life our residents deserve.
So, let’s keep going forward!. Together, we will build on our achievements. Together, we will succeed.