A regional bus service connecting Brighton, Quinte West, Belleville and Prince Edward County could be running as soon as this summer.
Shelly Ackers of Quinte Access says they’re waiting on the delivery of some new buses and are consulting with some other regional transit systems to get some ideas on best practices for operations.
Ackers tells Quinte News the new buses should be in by April, with a hope of getting things going in July.
“The intent that we’re hoping for is that we can have something to kind of get people used to it, we can do a marketing campaign and then have it placed so that if Loyalist College goes back to classes on campus, we can have it up and running. So, if people are needing that connection, we’re good to go for that September start.”
She added that they’re also working on fare structures and routes, with an estimate of about seven runs per day.
“We’re trying to get some times for start work in areas like the industrial park. Loyalist we’ve already talked to, so we kind of have start times for classes of when we’d have to start getting people to the college. So probably something early morning and then something a little bit later in the day, just to help with the work commute.”
Once up and running, the routes will go directly between Quinte West and Belleville, with transfer options from Quinte West to Brighton and from Belleville into Prince Edward County.