Belleville’s police chief says he’s extremely proud of all of the accomplishments by his officers and staff over the past year, in keeping the community safe.
But Chief Ron Gignac says many of those accomplishments were helped along by the increased support services put in place for BPS personnel recently including the addition of Chaplain Brad Beale and a new partnership with Wounded Warriors Canada.
Gignac tells Quinte News those support services make a huge difference.
Giganc also praised senior officers Sheri Meeks and Chris Barry for implementing some cutting edge programs, including Health IM which connects officers with healthcare professionals during medical and mental health calls and the new therapy dog support program.
The Chief also noted the dozens of commendations handed out to officers, staff and citizens over the year for their work in keeping the community safe.
Those commendations included acts of bravery, quick thinking, or community service in general and Police Chief Ron Gignac says many people within the police force and beyond are pulling together with a common goal.
Giganc says other impactful programs officers took part in included the holiday Cop Shop program, the fishing derby, clothing and food drives, and more.
He added that “if you don’t have a safe community it’s not good for business or tourism” and those programs all help to work towards that goal.