Council is being given three options at their regular council meeting on Monday night when it comes to a turf field proposal.
CEO Charlie Murphy is asking council to apply for a grant through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Fund for the installation of a new multi-sport synthetic turf field in Centennial Park, or for the installation of an enclosed new multi-sport synthetic turf field in Centennial Park, or the installation of a new multi-sport synthetic turf field including grade beam and conduit installation to allow for future enclosure of the turf field at Centennial Park.
The cost of the project ranges from $1.8 million to $4.6 million depending on which option council chooses.
The municipal portion of the project, if their grant application is successful would range from $480,000 to $1.2 million.
Councillors could also choose none of those options being proposed by Murphy.
Council meets on Monday night at Quinte West City Hall at 6:30 p.m.