Roads are a major issue in most if not all municipalities and Prince Edward County councillor Brad Nieman wants a list ranking roads from most to least concern, so they can have a plan going forward.
He asked staff on Thursday to begin putting together a list because he doesn’t want another situation where councillors argue over which roads are getting fixed versus which ones aren’t, especially heading into the 2020 budget discussions.
Director of Development Services Peter Moyer told council they are having two engineering students this summer evaluate each road, classifying it kilometre by kilometre.
Moyer said this past winter effectively destroyed roads in the County and last year’s rankings don’t even apply.
He says that will help Prince Edward County get caught up and address the worst of their roads.
Moyer explained it will cost more in the long run, but will allow them to get caught up.
He also told council they need asset management software because it will be an effective tool for staff in all departments
A report with the updated road needs is expected in October.