Lower Trent Conservation says they expect to see local water levels to continue to rise into next week.
There is 20 – 30 mm of rain forecasted for overnight and into tomorrow water levels in the Trent River Basin are still on the rise according to the conservation authority.
Flows on the Burnt River peaked earlier in the week at a record setting 240 cms (cubic metres per second) and outflows into Rice Lake and down the Trent River are expected to increase over the next week. Flows into the Trent River from the Crowe River are at 225 cms and are leveling out according to the LTC but they say the rain may reverse that trend.
The water levels in areas that typically see flooding are approaching houses especially in the Lower Hastings, Percy Boom and Green Acres areas. Parks Canada will continue to operate the dams along the Trent River to facilitate flow to the Bay of Quinte but increasing flows and water levels are expected. Residents can expect to experience water levels similar to 2014.