Quinte West Mayor Jim Harrison. (File Photo: Nicole Kleinsteuber / Quinte News)
The green light has been given to the Canal-District Rural Broadband Initiative to begin a business plan seeking funding to bring faster internet service to every rural resident and business in Quinte West and Brighton.
Monday night, Quinte West council approved the broadband advocacy group’s plan in principle to apply for funds for installing fibre optic cable and increasing internet connectivity. Two weeks ago, Dave Dingle made a presentation to council explaining the intention to connect everyone with the same service, same price, same connection cost, no contract and 200 times faster.
Following Monday’s meeting, Dingle said he was very pleased by council’s show of support.
Dingle said the business plan has to be submitted to municipal council for review and then forwarded to the federal government for a deadline of April 20.
Quinte West Mayor Jim Harrison agreed the quality of service needs to be improved.
If approved, it would take two to four years to have everyone hooked up and it will also go through the urban areas of Quinte West and Brighton.