The $40 million replacement of a well traveled bridge along Highway 49 connecting Prince Edward County to the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory will be up for discussion Tuesday night.
At the County’s regular meeting, council will hear a presentation from the Ministry of Transportation on the status of the Bay of Quinte Skyway Bridge Replacement project.
The preliminary detail design and class environmental assessment for the bridge lists five project options that look at whether or not to close the bridge completely for two years or to keep it partially open for three to five years during construction. Each alternative lists construction costs ranging from $40-$45 million, traffic implications and potential detours.
In August, the MTO will undertake a more detailed analysis of the alternatives that include meetings with municipal governments, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, provincial and federal government agencies, the public and interest groups.
In 2011, the MTO retained a consulting firm to undertake detail and design for the rehabilitation of 29 bridges throughout Eastern Ontario and after reviewing the condition of the 50-year-old Skyway Bridge it was made clear it needed to be replaced.
It was found the bridge exhibits substantial deterioration to the bridge deck, piers, steel girders and does not conform to modern design standards including shoulder width and and traffic barriers.
Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Shire Hall.