If Stirling/Rawdon Council made one decision at last night’s public meeting on policing, it was this……they will ask for a costing to provide the service from the OPP. Shows of hands from the 150 people packed into the Lion’s Hall showed more than half wanted to see a costing from a service other then the current municipal police. However, 5 rounds of applause came in support of the local service. Meanwhile, the OPP won’t have a costing ready till late February or early March. Stirling/Rawdon Mayor, Peter Koistra, says he’s not picking favorites yet, but says it’s about more then just dollars and cents. Stirling/Rawdon Council will likely consider not building a new building, but instead move the police into the current Public Works facility. Another public meeting tonight, at 7:30, in the Lion’s Hall at the Stirling arena.