It’s hoped shovels will be in the ground for a new library, community hub, and seniors residential building in Bancroft before the snow flies.
Tuesday Hastings County’s Community and Human Services Committee heard a description of what will be known as the North Hastings Inspiration Place, a five-storey building with a library and community space on the ground floor and 40 apartments on the four floors above.
The building would be located in downtown Bancroft.
The $10 to $12 million dollar project is a partnership between the Town of Bancroft and private company Rural Routes Property Developments. The town has provided over $1 million in funding or in-kind services for the project and the town, along with the provincial and federal governments, has provided $1.8 million.
Rural Routes Property Developments is just finishing an apartment building with some affordable units in Actinolite in partnership with the Municipality of Tweed.
Tweed Mayor Don DeGenova told the committee that the company did excellent work and will not disappoint with its work in North Hastings.
Hastings County is being asked to provide rent subsidies to at least nine of the apartments and to make a contribution to the construction costs.
The Community and Human Services Committee is recommending staff investigate rent subsidy opportunities for the project.