While students are on summer break, the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board is making sure that students are ready for the upcoming school year when it comes to new rules regarding cellphones and vaping.
In a release, the school board outlined new rules set in place by the province as part of their Provincial Code of Conduct.
When it comes to vaping, students will not be allowed electronic cigarettes (vapes) at school, including tobacco and/or nicotine products.
If a student is found to be in possession of either item, they will be forced to surrender the item which will then be disposed of.
Parents and guardians will also be immediately informed.
Regarding cellphones, students will not be allowed to use cellphones or other personal mobile devices during instructional time at any grade level.
They are to be turned off or set to silent and stored away out of sight.
The only time a student will be allowed a cellphone during instructional time is for the following reasons:
- A teacher says to use it as part of learning, for example, doing research or visiting a specific website
- It’s needed for a health or medical reasons
- It supports special education needs
Grade 6 students and below will not be allowed to use a cellphone during school hours unless permitted.
Grade 7 students and above will be allowed to use one during recess/breaks or lunch. However, they must follow school rules about using mobile devices in other areas of the school and on school trips.