Automatic speed enforcement cameras are almost ready to deploy in Belleville, with the program set to begin on Tuesday July 16.
The cameras are set to be deployed in community safety zones on College Street, Sidney Street, Victoria Avenue and Harder Drive. Drivers passing the cameras above the speed limit will be detected by the camera, and a fine will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle.
The speeding tickets include a normal fine for the speeding infraction but do not carry demerit points for the vehicle owner’s licence since the vehicle owner might not be the driver.
Joe Reid, General Manager of Transportation and Operational Services for the City of Belleville, said that cameras can be moved to any of the community safety zones in the city, as needed to combat speeding.
“The decision was made around the speeding that was captured in our data analysis period,” said Reid. “Those four locations did show a high volume of excessive speeding. And the transportation committee felt that that was the best four locations to start.”
Whenever the cameras are moved, signs are required to be posted for 90 days before the cameras can be set up at the new location. Signs must also be posted while the cameras are in use.