There will be a public meeting tonight (Feb. 13) on a proposed development for a vacant piece of property in Brighton.
The 7.4 hectares of land at 129 Elizabeth Street between King Edward Park Community Centre and No Frills was previously zoned for commercial uses, however, a developer is looking to build a mixed commercial and residential development.
That would require an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment.
Mistral Land Development Inc. currently has three development options on the table.
A Pre-Consultation Open House is a requirement prior to the submission of any development applications to the municipality.
Municipal staff will be in attendance to hear opinions on the proposed development.
The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at King Edward Park Community Centre.
Following the Open House, additional comments, questions and feedback can be directed to the Municipal Planning Department at
More information on the proposal is contained in the staff report for Brighton’s Planning Committee here.