The future purpose of Benson Hall in Picton is still up for debate.
On Thursday, Prince Edward County Committee of the Whole debated how the municipally-owned heritage building, which is currently closed due to building and fire code deficiencies, should be used going forward.
That decision will affect what the County spends to bring the building up to code and make it usable again.
The Kinsmen Club of Picton has been leasing Benson Hall since 2013 but its lease expired at the end of 2022.
Inspections earlier this year, in preparation for a possible lease renewal, revealed the violations and the building was ordered closed until the deficiencies are addressed.
Some of the problems unveiled during a facilities review by Greer Galloway Consulting Engineers include columns without footings, rotting beams and electrical issues.
The cost of the necessary repairs and upgrades to get the Kinsmen back in is estimated at $489,500.
The Kinsmen sent a letter to the County stating they would like to continue to use the facility as they have spent money on maintenance and upgrades to the building over the years and would continue to do so as part of any lease agreement.
On Thursday, Committee of the Whole was presented with a proposal to approve in-kind use of community spaces for the Kinsmen until Benson Hall can be repaired and a new lease signed, and that a capital project to repair the building be added to the 2024 budget deliberations.
Councillors discussed using the building for more community rentals, however, staff informed them that that would require even more work and they would not likely get back enough revenue to cover the repair costs.
What did interest the committee was another alternative suggestion to use Benson Hall for municipal office space as this could save the municipality money by reducing the amount of space it currently leases.
Ward 2 councillor, Phil Prinzen, suggested that while Benson Hall is a good space for the Kinsmen, the municipality may be able to make better use of it.
“But is it practical as a municipality when we can save lease money and move at a lower investment cost?”
As a result, council passed a motion approving the use of in-kind space for the Kinsmen Club through the end of 2024 while a final decision is made and directed staff to explore a repurpose of Benson Hall to include municipal office use as part of the 2024 budget deliberations.
The decision still needs final approval at the November 14 meeting of council.