Belleville city council Monday endorsed a final report on “Aims and Measures,” that sprang from a Homelessness Summit back in April
Involved were stakeholders, community leaders, service providers, and experts to address the growing issue
of homelessness in the city.
The attendees engaged in constructive discussions and collaborative workshops to develop actionable recommendations and goals (Aims &
Measures) to attempt to combat homelessness in Belleville.
Councillor Paul Carr said the problem is complex and that he was glad that Hastings County was working to identify who the homeless in the community are, saying that “every community has a homelessness problem. They are not being bussed in here. That is just an excuse for not doing the hard work necessary to find solutions to the issues. Carr again called for the province to step up and provide more funding for affordable and specialized housing.
After council’s approval, the report will be sent to Hastings County’s Community and Human Services Committee for consideration.
See the report in detail here.