As part of its work towards more affordable housing, the Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation is once again accepting applications for the Secondary Suites Program.
Property owners can apply to develop affordable housing either by retrofitting existing structures or building new rental housing.
The program provides a $25,000 interest-free loan to residential property owners who commit to 15 years of affordable housing by Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) regional guidelines.
Applications will be accepted online until July 30.
Council approved $200,000 in the 2022 budget for the Secondary Suites Program. Four applications for $25,000 each were funded in 2022. Council approved, during the 2023 budget deliberations, that the remaining $100,000 be carried forward to allow for a second round of applications this year.
Find the application at
If you have questions or concerns, contact 613.476.2148 extension 1529 or