Folks living around Colborne will have to do their grocery shopping out of town for the forseeable future.
Smoke and flames were seen at the Foodland store before 5 o’clock Wednesday morning and firefighters from Cramahe Township and Brighton were called in for mutual aid and the Cobourg department brought in its aerial ladder truck.
Cramahe Fire Chief Mark MacDonald says flames inside of the store were doused quickly but firefighters continue to find hot spots in the walls and in other spaces.
“The challenge with commercial buildings is that you have ceiling spaces and renovations that have happened over the years and fridge coolers and pallet racking. There’s a lot of nooks and crannies in commercial spaces that are just hard to get at”.
No one was injured but the Ontario Fire Marshall’s Office will be asked to help to investigate the cause of the fire.
“It’s a significant sized building, a grocery store, so the loss of business in the community is going to be significant and it’s certainly well more than a million dollars damage.”
There was some smoke and water damage to a nearby used auto dealership and repair shop, along with a bicycle shop.
(Photo: Kenneth Michael Parnell)