Prince Edward County’s farmers are not happy with new policies put forward by the provincial government.
During Tuesday evening’s council session John Thompson, president of the Prince Edward Federation of Agriculture, presented a joint statement signed by Ontario Federation of Agriculture, National Farmers Union Ontario, Ontario Broiler Hatching and Egg, Egg and Chick Commission. Bee Farmers of Ontario, Ontario Pork, Egg Farmers of Ontario. Ontario Sheep Farmers, Veal Farmers of Ontario, Chicken Farmers of Ontario, Ontario Farmland Trust, Jerky Farmers of Ontario, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, and Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance.
“A joint statement like this, I think is unprecedented. Likely because I think this is the most dangerous and short-sighted policy that a government has ever brought forward,” said Thompson. “I’d be really astonished if the Minister of Agriculture and the MPP don’t understand this.”
The statement called for the Ontario government to reconsider Bill 97 along with the proposed Provincial Planning Statement.
The main focus was on parts of the planning statement that would permit three lot severances per farm parcel in prime agricultural areas as well as other measures that weaken local farmland protection. These measures are proposed by the Ontario government in an effort to encourage more homes to be built.
Farmers are opposed to breaking up prime farmland for housing for several reasons outlined in the statement, including driving up the cost of farmland as it’s bought up to be converted into residential, making it harder for new farmers to get into the business, reducing sustainability, and causing conflicts between homeowners and neighbouring farms who may find regular farming actions disruptive due to loud equipment or fertilizer and pesticide spraying.
The statement called on the provincial government to find a way to increase housing development while still ensuring the long term success of the agricultural sector.
Council passed a motion to support the Prince Edward County Federation of Agriculture’s request to the provincial government, and suggested that the mayor write a letter of support to the provincial government.
The motion passed unanimously.