A Brighton landowner has been fined $15,000 after being found guilty of interfering with a wetland.
The resident was found guilty on three charges laid under the Conservation Authorities Act for undertaking development activities and interfering with a wetland without prior written permission from the Lower Trent Region Conservation Authority.
In addition to the fine, a Restoration Order was placed on the property.
Gage Comeau, Lower Trent Conservation’s Manager, Watershed Management, Planning and Regulations, says “The intent of the regulation and permitting process is to ensure that the control of flooding, erosion, dynamic beaches, pollution and the conservation of land are not negatively impacted by the activity that is being proposed. It’s measures like these that help to protect people’s lives and property.”
He encourages landowners to contact them prior to initiating development or alterations on a property so that permitting requirements can be confirmed as early as possible in the planning stages, ensuring the safety of people and property.
More information on the regulation and permitting process can be found at LTC.on.ca by clicking on Planning & Permits.
Comeau says they encourage everyone to use this tool to avoid similar situations.