Prince Edward County Council has taken issue with some parts of the provincial government’s More Homes Built Faster Act.
The More Homes Built Faster Act, also known as Bill 23, proposes regulatory changes to open up housing development.
However, critics such as Councillor Hirsch see problems with both housing affordability and environmental impact.
“Proposals regarding the Conservation Authorities Act as an example, would essentially gut the act, would gut the operations of conservation authorities, would not allow municipalities like the county to consult with the Conservation Authority on planning applications any longer,” said Hirsch. “We don’t have that kind of expertise on staff.
Hirsch also pointed out that the act limits requirements for developers to include affordable housing units in their plans to five per cent of units, which he says is too low to have an impact and should be 15%.
The council voted to submit a list of their objections through the formal complaint process to the province.