“I’m always amazed at the things like Tiperillos which I didn’t think anyone smoked anymore, since the 1970s. We still find those rum-dipped Tiparillos plastic tips which seem to last for ever.”
Brebner adds, “A few years ago I went out and I walked. My idea was to walk to Wellington and see if I could fill up a bag and I only got about a quarter of the way there before I’d actually filled up a bag myself. The area of the beach further away from the parking lot tends to have more junk on it and older junk you know. Old beer bottles, bottles and cans, Tim Hortons cups coffee cups.”
He says, “The beach itself is spotless. They clean it. They rake it basically mechanically and they send some of the students out to pick up some of the smaller pieces in areas you can’t get the rake at.”
“But as I say most what we’re picking up are in the dunes area. In the tall grass. In the weeds that sort of thing.”