A large show of support for The Lakeside Motel in Wellington happened Tuesday night.
Prince Edward County council heard from staff and the community regarding potential by-law infractions and a requirement for a Site Plan Control Agreement, SPCA, with the business.
Wellington resident, Amy Bodman, spoke to council regarding potential by-law and zoning issues at the motel including problems with noise, light pollution and traffic at Lakeside Motel (349 Wellington Main Street) and and 351 Wellington Main Street, a long-term accommodation for staff and guests staying more than 30 days.
Bodman asked staff to consider adding a privacy fence or hedge along the southwest boundary to the shoreline of the property, as well as removing a service entrance between the 349 and 351 properties, both of which are owned by Renda Abdo, who purchased the motel in 2018.
Other complaints regarding the motel’s operation were few and far between however with 18 members in the audience speaking on the motel’s proactivity in reaching out to nearby residents and the benefit the business has had in the community.
Ruth Promislow owns a short-term accommodation adjacent to Lakeside Motel. Barislow says the motel’s owner Renda Abdo has been considerate with any potential issues.
“Frankly the complaints… I’ve read the complaints and I’m baffled. I can’t even understand where it is coming from.”
Lakeside Motel has been visited by by-law enforcement several times with no infractions or fines ever being placed on the property.
Council debated whether or not an SPCA and the associated studies (Noise Impact Study, Functional Servicing Report, Stormwater Report) were necessary as the motel has not violated any by-laws and completing the studies would place potentially hefty fees on the motel.
It was determined that since the motel has increased on-site usability with the addition of a bar and outdoor restaurant an SPCA would be needed.
Ward 3 Wellington Councillor Mike Harper was in agreement with an SPCA.
“For the good of the business going forward I think to resolve the issues with those residents who are affected by it, I think we owe them that as well and at least there will be an agreement to what goes on there, and you can choose to live with it or not.”
Council has asked staff to continue work on a Site Plan Control Agreement with The Lakeside Motel in accordance with the Site Plan Control by-law and Planning Act.