Plans are underway to create gardens at the Tweed Post Office with a special attraction.
Quinte Field Naturalists need help to plant a pollinator garden at the Post Office.
Spokesperson Denise Wilkins tells Quinte News that Canada Post has had its budget cut with no money to plant the flower beds. Wilkins says she asked the Post Office whether or not the group would be able to do the work.
“And they asked the powers that be and they said fine, we could do it, as long as we paid for everything and we were delighted to do that.”
Wilkins added, “We’re excited to have those pollinator flowers at the Tweed Post Office and also to be able to tell people about it. And why they should do it in their own garden, in their own backyard or even on their own balcony. Why it’s so important to have pollinator plants in your garden.”
“Especially native plants that the native insect species that pollinate all the flowers, so much of what we eat, and they’re all, unfortunately, so many of them, declining in numbers.”
For Wilkins it’s important that the public sees these gardens.
Quinte Field Naturalists is looking for volunteers to help with the gardens two mornings this month, May 17 and May 23, starting at 9 a.m.