“Some neighbours have reported levels of over 60 decibels who even live closer to me and on many days this noise penetrates even into our residences.”
Reid continued, “County of Hastings Planning has a site plan in front of them that is inadequate to control the noise in our community and make no attempt at addressing this. The MOE is aware of these noise complaints as well.”
“And as of my last correspondence with them they are planning on visiting the site sometime later this year in relation to rock crushing activities and compliance.”
Centre Hastings Mayor Tom Deline noted that residents’ concerns could be addressed through the township’s zoning process.
Referring to the delegation by Reid, Bancroft Mayor Paul Jenkins said, “I’m feeling a little uncomfortable, needing some clarification on some of those points.”
Mayor Jenkins also wanted Planning Director Justin Harrow to have time to deliver a further report at a future planning committee meeting.
Council did not act on the mayor’s requests, and the expansion was approved.