Commemorative gifts are a wonderful way to honor special people and important occasions in our lives. This was a sentiment shared by Newman Insurance Director Calvin Newman recently with a special donation of $10,068 in memory of Gwen Bush; who unfortunately passed away in December 2021.
The formal presentation comes as Calvin reflected on the final wishes of his sister, who was a shareholder at the business with him for over 30 years alongside her father, Gary Newman and her sister Janet Newman-Phillips. Gwen was under the care of oncologists at Quinte Health Care Belleville General Hospital when it was decided that a future contribution to the hospital could help repay the excellent support she had received at the cancer clinic.
The Dr. Douglas A. Macintosh Oncology Clinic at Belleville General Hospital is a level three cancer clinic, treating over 15,000 patients annually. “Donations like this help to support treatments offered outside the traditional Cancer Care Ontario umbrella,” commented BGH Executive Director Steven Cook. “Calvin and Gwen’s contribution will certainly help more people suffering with the disease and help towards saving lives.”