Northumberland County Council has adopted the Forest Management Plan 2021 – 2041 to help guide the sustainable management of the Northumberland County Forest over the next twenty years.
This high-level plan identifies strategies and long-term goals to strengthen recreation opportunities in the forest, while ensuring strong natural and cultural heritage conservation practices designed to preserve this community asset for future generations.
The plan incorporates feedback gathered over four years of consultations with residents, forest user groups, First Nations communities, local municipal councils, advisory committees and stakeholders, which took place from 2018 to 2021.
“The adoption of the Forest Management Plan is a significant step towards protecting the long-term vitality of the County Forest,” states County Warden Bob Crate. “On behalf of County Council, I would like to thank everyone that provided their valuable feedback during the extensive consultation process for this long-term plan. These insights were fundamental in developing a comprehensive plan that balances natural and cultural heritage conservation, silviculture and recreation in a way that ensures our community can benefit from this asset for years to come.”
The Forest Management Plan focuses on four main goals to help foster the long-term vision of maintaining an ecologically diverse forest that is a model of multi-use management for many intrinsic, ecological and community benefits. These goals include:
- A community that is engaged, has pride in, and celebrates the Northumberland County Forest for its many values.
- Natural heritage conservation that preserves, enhances, and restores lands for the best possible ecological health and integrity.
- A model recreational trail system that provides high-quality and safe experiences for a variety of user types.
- An exemplary silviculture program that supports conservation goals and provides social benefits.
For more information about the County Forest and to view the Forest Management Plan, visit