Hastings Prince Edward Public Health says its community vaccination clinics are winding down as they transition to a longer term COVID-19 vaccination strategy.
The mass COVID-19 immunization clinics at the Prince Edward Community Centre and the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre will be closing at the end of March.
Combined, these two clinics have delivered over 131,000 doses of vaccine to local residents (26,320 in Picton, and 105,185 in Belleville as of March 15, 2022).
Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ethan Toumishey says as the province reopens vaccination remains the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19.
Toumishey says Public Health’s longer term COVID-19 strategy will still involve vaccination opportunities at local pharmacies, the Public Health headquarters and pop-up clinics.
The strategy will ensure resources are available to support regular public health programs and services, while continuing to offer COVID-19 vaccinations.
Beginning in April 2022, COVID-19 vaccination opportunities will be available:
- Throughout the entire HPEPH catchment area at local pharmacies. Visit covid-19.ontario.ca/vaccine-locations for availability.
- In Belleville at 179 North Park Street, HPEPH office. Visit covid19.ontariohealth.ca or check hpepublichealth.ca/vaccine-booking for clinic dates and times.
- In North Hastings, through clinics hosted by the Bancroft Community Health Team at a variety of locations. Visit bcfht.org/covid-19-updates for dates and booking information.
- In Prince Edward County, through pop-up clinics hosted by Prince Edward Family Health Team. Check hpepublichealth.ca/vaccine-booking for clinic dates and times.
- Through some primary care providers. Contact your primary care provider to discuss availability.