Despite what most consider illegal and despicable anti-Canadian actions by some people taking part in the huge trucker’s protest on Parliament Hil,l the MP for Bay of Quinte riding continues to support the people’s right to assemble and peacefully protest.
Ryan Williams says he and his Conservative Party support vaccinations but do not support government mandates forcing vaccination.
“That doesn’t mean that individuals get to use protests for hate or intolerance or to be racist or to fly flags that should be condemned in this country. Those individuals should be individually condemned and I’ve been very clear on that.”
Williams called the anti-social, outrageous behaviour of a few people “the messy part of democracy” that can occur when people have the important freedoms of assembly and protest.
Williams again said local manufacturers have told him loud and clear that it was important to keep truckers moving on both sides of the border.
More of William’s comment on the protests can be heard below.