The United Way HPE has surpassed a large benchmark for its 2021 fundraising.
It was announced Monday that the organization has officially passed $1 million in its 2021 Revive and Thrive fundraising campaign.
In November UWHPE hosted a virtual auction which raised approximately $30,000 and the subsequent GIVINGTUESDAY event raised an additional $35,000 following a $10,000 match by McDougall Insurance.
On Friday the organization closed funding applications for local agencies and according to a press release the total for funding requests is over $400,000.
With a month to go projections show that United Way HPE will be close to its final fundraising goal of $1,950,000.
You can donate online by visiting the organization’s website or by calling the offices at 613-962-9531.
Donations of $500 or more from new donors are eligible to be matched by the Maurice and Marilyn Rollins Foundation.