Both representatives for the ridings of Bay of Quinte and Hastings Lennox and Addington spoke during the first Question Period of the new Parliament Wednesday.
Hastings Lennox and Addington MP Shelby Kramp Neuman rose to ask for help for her residents, many of whom are struggling with debt.
“Canadians deserve to know when will this government finally listen and take concrete action against this cost of living crisis?”
Bay of Quinte MP Ryan Williams said while there are many issues his constituents face, the most dire is the high cost of housing.
“Housing under the Liberal plan has just not worked in my region. Speaking of respect, will the government commit to working with Conservatives on fixing this housing crisis once and for all?”
He noted that housing prices have risen 170% in Prince Edward County this year and have doubled in Belleville and Quinte West while the waiting list for housing for members of CFB Trenton is more than 300.
Williams also spoke against a possible return to a hybrid or virtual parliament saying, “We have been elected and are following all of the expected strictly mandated and imposed protocols. We have been sitting in the House of Commons and working for you for the first few days. We have no reason to see such restrictions placed on Members of Parliament. I have been elected and expected to work from the people’s house, not from my house.”