Media Release
Parkland and Recreation Master Plan Public Open House
BELLEVILLE – The City of Belleville is undertaking the development of the City’s first comprehensive Parkland and Recreation Master Plan (PRMP) to help guide future capital investment, improve services and respond to growth-related needs for the next 10 years.
Members of the public are invited to attend an in-person public open house at the Parkdale Community Centre on Dec. 9 from 6 to 8 p.m. to review and provide comment on the project.
Sierra Planning and Management, in association with MBTW Ltd., were retained in 2020 to develop the plan. The Phase 1 Report addressing identified needs and opportunities was completed in early 2021, and Phase 2 which contains all draft recommendations is now complete.
The PRMP is based on guiding principles which were developed as a result of a detailed engagement process. Engagement included nearly 600 responses to a public online survey in late 2020, over 70 responses to a survey of organized sport, recreation and cultural groups in the city, public meetings and engagement with City officials, public agencies and City Council.
Key aims of the plan include, amongst others, a desire for strategic investment in major recreation infrastructure, the creation of outdoor recreation hubs, improving connectivity across the City and along the waterfront, seeking partnerships to secure future investment in regional services, and making sure that the City’s existing parks and facilities are maintained and improved.
The purpose of the Dec. 9 open house will be to provide key highlights of the plan, its goals and objectives, and next steps in implementing the recommendations. The consulting team will be available to answer questions and provide further background on the project.
Residents are encouraged to review the Draft Phase 2 Report, attend the public open house and provide their feedback. Please note all attendees must provide personal identification and proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to enter the facility, in accordance with City policy.
In addition to the meeting, feedback can be submitted by email to prior to Jan. 6.
“We are very pleased with the feedback we have received from our community throughout this process,” said Operations Planning and Development Manager, Transportation & Operations Services Rowland Cave-Browne-Cave. “This plan will provide direction for all future development and use of our parks and green spaces over the next decade. With your input, we are able to ensure that the plan aligns with the needs and priorities of our community. We encourage all residents to review the Phase 1 and 2 reports and join us for the public open house to have their say.”
For more information, please visit the project page at: