The vaccination of Prince Edward County municipal staff is projected to end up nearly perfect.
At Tuesday’s Prince Edward County council meeting Councillor Bill Roberts asked about the vaccination rate of county staff during discussions under Chief Administrative Officer Marcia Wallace’s third quarter report.
Wallace reported that the final tally, all said and done, is anticipated to be approximately 97% of county staff fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
“On vaccination, 85% across the corporation was the moment in time that the report was written that was fully vaccinated. Once we reach the target date of, I think it was November 15 or 16, where we thought that we’d have everybody fully vaccinated, I think that we’re going to be very close to 97 – 98 percent across the corporation, so the numbers are very encouraging in terms of that policy.”
Prince Edward County council, like many other municipalities, approved mandatory vaccination for county staff at the end of September.
The policy stated that all county staff, including members of council, committees and other staff, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by November 15, 2021.