The Official Plan is the City’s key land use document. It sets out the goals and objectives for the City of Belleville as a whole. Its purpose is to inform the public of the City’s general land use planning goals, objectives and policies in both the short and long term, and ensure that the growth of the City meets the long term needs of the community.
The City of Belleville is currently undertaking an Official Plan update as required by the Planning Act. This update is a four-phase process: review and analysis of land requirements, policy recommendations, policy development, and implementation through an Official Plan amendment.
A draft document was introduced in September 2020. The proposed plan was then updated to address ministerial comments, and other feedback received as part of the public consultation process for the project. The final draft is now available online.
Staff will be preparing a recommendation report for consideration at the Planning Advisory Committee meeting on Nov. 1 with the recommendation that Council adopt the proposed new Official Plan for the City of Belleville, and that it be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval.
Comments can be provided by filling out a comment form and submitting it by email to or by mail to 169 Front St., Belleville, Ont. K8N 2Y8 (Attention: Policy Planning Division).
Those interested in learning more about the Official Plan update or being included on the Interested Parties List to be notified of upcoming meetings, are asked to complete the Notification Form and email it to or mail to 169 Front St., Belleville, Ont. K8N 2Y8 (Attention: Policy Planning Division).