Prince Edward County is going ahead with an Area-Specific Development Charges By-law for Wellington.
At a virtual meeting of Committee of the Whole on Thursday, council received a report recommending how the County should pay for the millions of dollars worth of water and sewer upgrades that will be needed as the village undergoes what’s expected to be a massive expansion over the next 20 years.
County staff recommended front-ending agreements with developers in order to secure funds needed to pay for upgrades to existing water/sewer infrastructure up front.
Staff estimates about $68 million worth of upgrades will be required to both maintain current service levels and supply the anticipated new development.
A consultant’s study suggests new development will be responsible for $52 million of that total.
Some councillors expressed concern over what might happen if the projected growth of the village doesn’t happen, but staff said while there is some risk involved, regardless of growth, there are infrastructure needs that have to be addressed in Wellington and this is a good way to do that.
Committee of the Whole passed a motion to approve a proposed by-law at a future meeting of Council.