“The creation of a six-bed housing unit, the warming centre, minor capital repairs, the provision for human services and security for the warming centre and also some minor capital repairs to assist our agencies meeting new public health requirements.”
Rivers outlined a need for increased housing security at the housing units.
“With this added security measure we hope that the patrols will discourage people from committing crimes and may help to identify those individuals who commit crimes on our property.”
The budget includes money for capital projects on the more than 1,400 housing units, most of which are 40 years old.
The budg4t is supported by Hastings County, Belleville and Quinte West.
It goes to Hastings Count Council later this month for final approval
Some of the expenses listed in the budget include:
Ontario Works – $4,029,250
-Children’s Services Program – $1,409,440
-Non-Profit Housing Expenses – $3,225,100
-Capital Projects – $2.7 million
-Replace smoke detectors – $435,600