The City of Belleville has approved the purchase of some new portable bleachers, to support more spectator and sporting events, so they don’t have to be rented anymore.
The city already owns one set of portable bleachers and on Monday, council approved a proposal from W.H. Reynolds Limited of Cambridge, to purchase two more sets at a total cost of just over $86,494.
The W.H. Reynolds bid wasn’t the lowest of the five bids but includes one new and one used unit from 2010.
A report from GM of Transportation and Operations Joe Reid says the new units are identical to the one the city already has, and are 40 feet long, with eight rows of seating.
The estimated delivery time is 14 to 16 weeks.
Meanwhile, Belleville Council has also approved the purchase of a new tractor and attachments, to support the maintenance of smaller roads through the summer and plowing operations in the winter.
The purchase will be made through local dealer Deerhaven Farm and Garden at a cost of $349,200.
Deerhaven’s bid was one of five received and comes in at just under the $350,000 budget for the tractor.
The 2021 four-wheel tractor and attachments are expected to be delivered by June 15, 2021.