“We’re seeing that 38 per cent of our cases from September 1 to December 14 were aged 20-29 when this age group of people really only makes up 10.6 per cent of our population in Hastings Prince Edward.”
Baxter says they’re seeing a correlation between this age group and other known risk factors for contracting COVID.
“It’s common that people in this age group share a bedroom with a roommate or live in a household including five or more people or are employed at workplaces where physical distancing isn’t always able to be maintained”
Through its #GetTestedHPE campaign, the local health unit is using social media to encourage young adults to monitor for symptoms and not be afraid to seek testing.
While young adults are less likely to experience severe complications related to COVID-19, being infected with the virus increases chances of spreading it to others, including those who are most vulnerable.
For additional information about the campaign, visit hpePublicHealth.ca/gettested.