Council in Prince Edward County is getting ready to do some pretty heavy lifting.
Council and staff are working on a new draft Official Plan and are holding a special council meeting on Tuesday night to get to work.
Four deputations are set for the evening including a deputation from Jane Leslie of the Environmental Advisory Committee.
She says planning staff are to be commended for the numerous positive changes made to the draft OP which incorporate forward thinking about the environment and climate change.
Her deputation does ask staff to review secondary plans to ensure coherence between the OP and secondary plans as well as enacting a prohibition of further building on lands affected by flooding in 2017 and 2019.
Lawyers for the Waring’s Creek Improvement Association wish to see the draft OP identify the Waring’s Creek Watershed as a significant watercourse within the County, noting it should be protected along with other noted significant watercourses in Prince Edward County.
The meeting is set to begin on Tuesday night at 6 p.m. and can be live-streamed.
A final official plan will be brought forward at a future meeting.