It’s that time again when you get a chance to help preserve some of the Quinte area protected lands.
Quinte Conservation is offering the public an opportunity to Adopt an Acre for $30.
You can make the contribution to the Authority and symbolically adopt an acre.
Referring to the COVID-19 pandemic, Communication Specialists Kristen Geisler tells Quinte News, “This year has made us realize that spending time outside in nature is more important than ever, and Adopting an Acre is a great way to ensure that the green spaces stay green.”
“They’re donating to the continued protection and conservation and all of the maintenance that would happen in Quinte Conservation watersheds and protected areas.”
Adopting an Acre costs $30 and includes an adoption certificate with your name, or the name of your loved one, as well as a tax receipt.
For $60, you will receive an adoption certificate and your choice of plush toy cardinal, chipmunk, or fox.
Geisler emphasized, “All funds raised from the Adopt an Acre fundraiser will be used to support the continued maintenance in conservation areas. Over time, guests in Quinte Conservation’s outdoor spaces will see upgrades and improvements to trails and public structures like bridges, boardwalks, shelters, picnic tables, and benches.”