Following community and user group consultation in 2019, along with research into best practices for maintaining both natural habitats and recreational assets, Northumberland County has developed a master plan to help guide the sustainable management of the Northumberland County Forest over the next twenty years. Residents are invited to review the draft plan before final submission to County Council in the coming months.
The development of the Northumberland County Forest Master Plan began in 2018 with discussions between County staff and members of the Forest Advisory Committee. The County then launched public consultations to gather information, ideas and feedback from residents and forest users through an online survey in June 2019 and public open houses in October 2019. The feedback and input gathered during these consultations provided key insight that was incorporated into the development of eight categories of objectives in the final draft plan:
- Communication, Public Engagement & Partnerships
- Recreation
- Risk, Liability & Enforcement
- Natural Heritage—Ecology
- Natural Heritage—Forestry
- Cultural Heritage
- Infrastructure & Administration
- Finance
This plan is now available for review and feedback until November 6, 2020. To review the plan and share your feedback and questions with the County Forest team, visit