Quinte Conservation Authority has made the decision to keep a popular conservation area closed.
Little Bluff Conservation Area will remain closed for the duration of the summer season and a decision to reopen the area will be evaluated on a week by week basis starting September 15.
Any use of the area is not permitted at this time.
Quinte Conservation staff have evaluated options for reopening the area, however, due to COVID-19 requirements for services, it is not feasible at this time as the organization does not possess the required resources for crowd control and the cleaning and sanitation of facilities.
Individuals are asked to respect the closure and those caught violating this closure may be subject to a fine. Quinte Conservation staff will continue to monitor the area closely and encourage neighbours of Little Bluff to report their concerns and non-emergencies to 613-968-3434 or by email at info@quinteconservation.ca.
The decision to close the area was made on July 29 due to overcrowding, garbage dumping and non-permitted activities.