Lower Trent Conservation reports precipitation has been below normal over the past three months and now Level 1 Low Water (minor drought) conditions are being experienced across the Lower Trent Conservation watershed region, an area stretching from Grafton to Quinte West, and from Lake Ontario to Rice Lake.
As part of the declaration of a Level 1 Low Water Condition, local municipalities, residents and businesses are expected to voluntarily reduce their water usage by 10 percent.
Residents can help conserve water by using rain barrels to capture rain for watering lawns and gardens, limiting vehicle washing, etc.
Lower Trent Conservation staff urge rural residents to be wary of their water use. Water is a precious resource – continued wise use of water is encouraged now and always.
The April to June three month rainfall total recorded by Environment Canada at Trenton was 176 millimetres, which is 75 percent of normal precipitation for this time of year (235 mm). A three month precipitation below 80 percent is the trigger for Level 1 Low Water. Monthly streamflows in our local creeks did not drop below the 70% of the Lowest Summer Month Average flows, which is another trigger for Level 1 Low Water. But the local creeks are nearing this low flow trigger as well.
Droughts can cause many severe impacts on the environment and communities including:
- Water shortages for human consumption, industrial, business and agriculture use
- Decline of water quality
- Increase in wildfires
- Increases in insect infestations and plant disease