It wasn’t the news parents wanted to hear but it is a reality many will have to adjust to.
Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board Director of Education said during a virtual public board meeting on Monday night that he would be very surprised if students go back after June 1.
Sean Monteith provided a pandemic operational report to the board of trustees and said the lifting of the restrictions and directives as to when students will be going back to school is a government and Ministry of Education decision and HPEDSB will be following their direction.
He says he will provide an operational report every two weeks and speak to what they at the school board are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monteith stated he recognizes the strain and stresses of this situation on families and the board continues to work hard to reach families and that support will continue through this crisis.
He says their number one priority is to do the best they can do to make sure families are safe and exhaust no resources.
Monteith feels the school board has made a successful transition from a totally reactive mode of operating to a mindful, very proactive approach to their work.
He assured the trustees that the board’s core operations continue but it is not business as usual. The fundamentals continue and the board is strong and is getting stronger.
On that note, later during the meeting, Monteith noted the board needs to move on their strategic plan.
He says he doesn’t want to wait another month because this shutdown because of the virus has exposed even more vulnerabilities in our communities and he urges the board to move on this.
He proposed a virtual meeting to present five themes that have emerged.
Monteith said the business of the board must continue and it shows families the board is strong and their focus continues amid the pandemic.
The trustees agreed and a future meeting date will be determined to discuss the strategic plan.