Those at Wyman Road were open to starting discussions with OPP liaison officers but didn’t move from the tracks after being presented for a second time with a court order to remove themselves from the area.

An enforcement officer with the Ministry of the Attorney General reads the court order to protesters at Wymans Road on February 11, 2020. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)

The court order affixed to CN Rail property at Wymans Road. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)
The protesters, who haven’t set up on the tracks, are in close enough proximity to prompt Via Rail to cancel trains and CN Rail traffic to come to a standstill.

Protesters at Wymans Road as a discussion begins between OPP liaison officers and the protesters begins. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)

A protester stands on the tracks at Wymans Road as OPP liaison officers approach on Tuesday, February 11, 2020. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)

Protesters at Wymans Road as a discussion begins between OPP liaison officers and the protesters begins. (Photo: Amanda Smith/Quinte News)